Author Archive: MikeyG

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Indiana General Warranty Deed Form

The Indiana general warranty deed is a legal document whereas the Grantor offers the Grantee full warranty with regard to the sale of a parcel of land as well as the title. The Grantor, by provision of this document promises that they do, in fact, own the property, that they have done nothing to impair or cause damage to […]

Illinois Quit Claim Deed Form

The Illinois quit claim deed is a legal document that is used to do nothing more that convey the Grantor’s (seller) interest to a Grantee (buyer). This document is used, for the most part, by investors, banks and in divorces. The Grantor wants to “quit” their claim in the interest of the property. There is no warranty,leaving […]

Illinois Special Warranty Deed Form

The Illinois special warranty deed is a legal document that a Grantor (seller) shall offer to a Grantee (buyer). This deed provides only limited liability by the Grantor. This form is as effective as a “quit claim” deed yet not offering the warranty and protection of a general deed. The document essentially states that the Grantor has done […]

Illinois General Warranty Deed Form

The Illinois general warranty deed is a legal document that shall convey and provide warranty by a Grantor (seller) to a Grantee (buyer). The document shall warrant the Grantor(s) is/are the true owners of the property and title. The protection under this document will ensure it’s legitimacy. As well it guarantees that the Grantor will defend the […]

Idaho Quit Claim Deed Form

The Idaho quit claim deed is a legal document that is used by entities who may have no real relationship with the property being sold in auction or from foreclosure, for example. Or, this deed may also be used between parties or who may have a long established relationship such as family members that are likely to […]

Idaho Special Warranty Deed Form

The Idaho special warranty deed is a legal document that is limited in nature, as it will only guarantee that the Grantor (seller) does, in fact, own the property and may legally sell it. As well and with regard to the deed, the Grantor, by provision of this document, promises that there have never been any third party […]

Idaho General Warranty Deed Form

The Idaho general warranty deed is a legal document that is usually the document that is used to sell real property. The document promises that the Grantor owns the property. It warrants that the Grantor has a right to sell the property and that the Grantor will defend the Grantee in the event any third party attempts to lay […]

Hawaii Quit Claim Deed Form

The Hawaii quit claim deed is a legal document that will, without warranty, convey land ownership between a Grantor (seller) and a Grantee (buyer). The recording system in the state of Hawaii is processed in only one location in the state. The system works within what is called the “Race Notice,” statute for recording deeds. Therefore, when […]

Hawaii Special Warranty Deed Form

The Hawaii special warranty deed is a legal document that, in a limited manner, provides some warranty from a Grantor (seller) to a Grantee (buyer). This deed offers warrants that the Grantor, does in fact, own the property, has the right to sell the property and has never experienced any third party claims to the title or […]

Hawaii General Warranty Deed Form

The Hawaii general warranty deed is a legal document that provides a solid warranty from a Grantor (seller) to a Grantee (buyer) that promises and warrants that the property, does belong to the Grantor and the deed is clear of any encumbrances. This deed offers warranty that the Grantor, owns and has the right to sell the property. […]