| Illinois Deed Forms – Quit Claim – Warranty |
Illinois Deed Forms are legal documents that are used in the conveyance of real property between a Grantor (seller) and a Grantee (buyer). There are three (3) different types of deeds; quitclaim, special and general. There are deeds that simply offer no warranty at all but will only transfer ownership. Should a third party attempt a claim against the property with a quitclaim deed, the Grantor shall in no way be obligated to defend the Grantee. A “special” deed will offer very limited security and the general warranty is the most used, document for conveyance of ownership, in real property transactions inasmuch as the Grantor is offering full warranty with regard to the ownership and title, protecting the Grantee any third party claim against the property.
After the document has been completed, it must be signed before a notary and recorded as soon as possible.
The Illinois quit claim deed is a legal document that is used to do nothing more that convey the Grantor’s (seller) interest to a Grantee (buyer). This document is used, for the most part, by investors, banks and in divorces. The Grantor wants to “quit” their claim in the interest of the property. There is no warranty,leaving […]
The Illinois special warranty deed is a legal document that a Grantor (seller) shall offer to a Grantee (buyer). This deed provides only limited liability by the Grantor. This form is as effective as a “quit claim” deed yet not offering the warranty and protection of a general deed. The document essentially states that the Grantor has done […]
The Illinois general warranty deed is a legal document that shall convey and provide warranty by a Grantor (seller) to a Grantee (buyer). The document shall warrant the Grantor(s) is/are the true owners of the property and title. The protection under this document will ensure it’s legitimacy. As well it guarantees that the Grantor will defend the […]