Delaware Quit Claim Deed Form |
The Delaware quit claim deed is a legal document that allows the Grantor’s interest share in the property to be transferred to a Grantee (buyer or beneficiary). With this deed, it should be understood by the Grantee that there is absolutely no warranty promise with regard to any claim that may be made by someone else on the property. The implication with this document is that this is nothing more than a transfer of interest with guarantee that the Grantor even has ownership whatsoever, to the property. There is also, no guarantee that the property is free of debt.
For the most part the only required signature must be provided only by the Grantor. Regardless of the signatories, the document must be signed in the presence of a notary public.
How to Write
Step 1 – The Parties – Submit the following:
- Names of the Grantor(s) – (sellers)
- Street address
- City
- State
- Marital status – select and check the applicable box
- Provide, both the numerical and worded amount paid to the Grantor’s and in receipt
- The name(s) of the Grantee’s – (buyers)
- Street address
- City
- State
- Check the appropriate box
Step 2 – Property Information – Enter:
- The street address of the property for transfer
- City
- State
- Land Parcel information
- Name the location of the deed registry that hold the document’s original description
- Book and page
- Enter the legal description
- Square footage of the property (in approximation)
- Provide information regarding any easements and/or restrictions
Step 3 – Signatures –
- Enter the required premises information
- Date the signatures in dd/m/yy format
- Signatures of the Grantor(s)
- Printed names
- Date the signatures in mm/dd/yyyy format
- Signatures of the Grantee(s)
- Printed names
- Date the signatures in mm/dd/yyyy format
Step 4 – Notary Acknowledgement –
- The Notary shall witness and record the signatures of the Grantor(s) and/or Grantee(s). The document shall be completed when the notary completes all required information and affixes the official seal in acknowledgement